Screenshot of SpotTop's homepage on mobile view - showcasing album artwork
My music taste is all over the shop.


SpotTop is a React-based single-page application that uses Spotify’s RESTful API to allow users to discover their most listened to tracks and artists, and create playlists. 🎧

This isn't a thing?

Functionality to view and share your most popular tracks/artists isn't something built into Spotify, it's something that both my friends and myself agreed would be a really cool addition; since Spotify seem to have their own things going on, I had a crack at it.

Users securely login to Spotify via OAuth 2, which sends GET requests to the API to display their top artists and music, this can then be filtered by various date ranges. Users can also create populated playlists, which immediately appear on all their devices, this is done by sending POST requests back to the API.